Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Tags:Thousands celebrate Anna’s victory at India Gate,Anna Hazare broke his fast,Anna Hazare won,Anna's victory celebration in new delhi,Sunday evening to celebration at india gate,Anna hazare latest news,Anna hazare,Anna hazare news,Anna hazare updates,Anna hazare lokpal movement,Anna hazare latest images,Anna hazare victory celebration images and videos,Anna’s victory at India Gate,Anna’s victory at India Gate videos and photos,Anna's victory celebration,Anna hazare victory india gate photos,anna victory,Anna hazare news on aug30,Anna hazare latest news on 30.8.2011,Anna hazare updates aug30,aug 30 Anna hazare news,aug 30 Anna hazare victory celebration,Anna,anna victory in india date,hazare victory celebration videos and photos,hazare  victory at India Gate videos,latest news about anna hazare victory celebration,anna hazare celebration in india gate new delhi,anna hazare new delhi news,anna hazare celebration videos.
In new Delhi when Anna Hazare broke his fast for a strong strong and effective Lokpal Bill, thousands of supporters of Anna Hazare gathered at the India Gate here on Sunday evening to celebrate Anna Hazare’s victory moment. “The way people bravely took a step by supporting Anna in his protest, so this is people’s victory.  In Earlier time the supporters were only from cities but later on supporters start giving support from small villages.

“Government has failed since beginning and I m very proud to say that in this fight the hole nation came together for their rights, and they have been united now. It is after the perusal of this whole nation, now the government has realised that yes, these three points are valid and they need to come under the purview of Lokpal (Ombudsman). So I am really happy for Anna’s movement,” added another supporter Yogita Sharma.
The another supporter said that, “This is a very historical moment as there is a need to erase corruption from the roots. The most important need is of the discipline that we should neither give bribe nor take bribe. 

If we will keep patience in us and fight against it then the corruption will be finally evacuate,”  . and also  said ,”With the mere introduction of Bill, corruption will not finish, everybody will have to keep patience and have to work with honesty and hard work”.

After securing Parliament’s nod on key elements of Jan Lokpal bill, Anna Hazare broke his over 288 hour-long fast declaring that electoral reforms will be next on his agenda.

You can also watch the victory celebration video :

Anna Hazare broke his fast at 10.20 a.m. by taking coconut water mixed with honey offered by two little girls.

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