Friday, April 1, 2011


Tags:Census 2011 Review: Literacy rate goes up,but does this help our cause???Bihar,census 2011,economic times budget 2011,election statistics india,elections,elections in india,elections results,employment news,Government Job,Government of India,indian elections,indian politics,Indian politics news,International Literacy Day,kerala india,literacy rate,Uttar Pradesh,Census 2011 Review,Census 2011,Census 2011 Review details,Census 2011 details,Census 2011 updates,times budget 2011,budget 2011 details,india Census 2011 Review,india Census 2011,india Census 2011 details,latest news on Census 2011.
India’s effective literacy rate has recorded a 9.2 per cent rise to reach 74.04 per cent, according to provisional data of the 2011 census released Thursday. Effective literacy rate in the 2001 census was 64.83, which improved to 74.04, said Registrar General of India and Census Commissioner C. Chandramauli.

Interestingly,literacy rate improved sharply among females as compared to males. While the effective literacy rate for males rose from 75.26 to 82.14 per cent marking a rise of 6.9 per cent, it increased by 11.8 per cent for females to go from 53.67 to 65.46 per cent.

According to provisional totals of the latest census, literates constitute 74 per cent of total population aged seven and above.
What does literacy mean? In common men’s language, it is the ability to read and write. It is a brilliant sign for Indian economy to see a rise in this rate especially in the case of females. But where is the execution of this literacy rate?????

Even as India continued to register one of the highest growth rates post-independence, rampant corruption resulted in an estimated out flow of a whopping $125 billion between 2000 and 2008. Corruption has been taken to a new level by our government with even CW games not left from scams and scandals.

But with literacy rate going up, does that mean it is affecting India’s growth directly?

A small example: Kerala is the only state in India having around 94% literacy rate and still suffering from unemployment and poverty.
Does Literacy = Employment??? Maybe not, because in the professional world, professional education and wisdom can be equated to employment.
Politics has played a major role in the corruption of this country. But in a democratic country, we choose our leaders. And the matter of fact is, with the increase of literacy, percentage of voters is reduced.

Election Statistics – Voting percentage in Lok Sabha Elections:

Year Male Female Total
1952 - - 61.2
1957 - - 62.2
1962 63.31 46.63 55.42
1967 66.73 55.48 61.33
1971 60.90 49.11 55.29
1977 65.63 54.91 60.49
1980 62.16 51.22 56.92
1984 68.18 58.60 63.56
1989 66.13 57.32 61.95
1991 61.58 51.35 56.93
1996 62.06 53.41 57.94
1998 62.89 57.88 61.97
1999 63.97 55.64 59.99
2004 52.65 44.65 48.74

As you see, percentage has dropped with increase in literacy. Either the voters have become so smart that they can’t find a right candidate to vote so they don’t vote at all, or lack of enthusiasm from the youth of nation who are literate but don’t care about our nation’s leader. 

So has literacy helped in finding a good leader for us???? My answer will be no.

Bihar has the least literacy rate of 47% and is one of the most corrupt state and with high crime rate. Same is the case of Uttar Pradesh; they are 5th from the bottom but produce the most number of politicians and ironically have produced the most number of prime ministers.

In July 2008 The Washington Post reported that nearly a fourth of the 540 parliament members faced criminal charges, “including human trafficking, immigration rackets, rape and even murder”. At state level, things are often worse. In Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections 2002, candidates with criminal records won the majority of seats.

Steps taken by Government of India to Improve Literacy Rate in India:
  • Free education programs to poor people living in villages and towns.
  • Setting up of new school and colleges at district and state levels.
  • Several committees have been formed to ensure proper utilization of funds allotted to improve literacy rate.
Proper funds??????School and colleges???? Funds will always be lost in corruption and no result will come of scams and scandals. Colleges will need bribes or in other terms, student will need to take admission through management quota.

How is the literacy rate helping now??????

Indian State and Central Government must have worked well on literacy but is it really helping???? Why not work hard on removing corruption from country and removing those politicians who are corrupt and are liabilities on us.  

Youth of our nation has to rise up and start using their wisdom to find perfect leaders for us. Census should also find out the wisdom rate of our population. Increase the Wisdom and watch our growth.

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